Welcome to my space in the blogosphere. Visitors are welcome to follow my attempts to find my feet in this new environment. It could be a bumpy ride but you know what they say "if at first you don't succeed, try, try again!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Week 4

It is with great trepidation that i tackle week 4 as it was here that things went belly-up last time around but it's also a great opportunity to rustle up a few cliches (and who knows maybe a mixed metaphor or two) so i shall dust myself off, take a few deep breaths and jump in the deep end.

Learning about RSS and newsreaders has been an interesting exercise and i can see distinct possibilities for libraries using them for promotion and marketing. From a personal perspective though, it becomes a matter of how much information you have time to digest - i added 5 feeds to my account but have barely been back to check them out.

P.S. I have just added a feed to my blog and so far everything still looks as it should. fingers crossed i think i've done it right this time!

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